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How to make sure you get time to read

Do you have a busy everyday life that takes up a lot of your reading time? Do you have many or few days where you don't get to read at all? And would you like to change this pattern? Then this is just the article for you!

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When I was in high school, I had so much homework and so many school papers that for a long time I didn't read much, which is the worst nightmare for a bookworm. Therefore, I had to come up with ways to be able to both study and get to read, even though my days were packed with school. The strategy I came up with worked so well for me, I decided to stick with it after high school.

Here's what I do:

1. Read before going to sleep

Every day before I go to sleep, I read. Sometimes I read for a really long time, other times I only read a few pages. It depends on how tired I am, but I always read a little before going to sleep, because by then I'll have finished all my tasks for the day, so nothing will desturb me or interrupt.

2. Read in the bus/train

Whenever I'm in the bus or train going somewhere, I always bring my book and read. Of course, it can be a little hard to focus on the days where there's many passengers making a lot of noise, but I've found that music helps me tune people out - Perhaps that'll work for you as well? Plus in the train there's sections where you must be quiet, which is the ideal place to read in the train.

3. Take an afternoon or evening off every now and then

Once in a while, take the afternoon or evening off from your regular patterns, routines or tasks and take time to read instead. If you're extra busy, it doesn't have to be more than an hour or two. Take half an hour if that's the only time you've got. Everything counts and everything can make you happy and help you get less stressed.

On the other hand, if you have a day off, where you have absolutely no plans and no tasks to be completed, then give yourself permission to have a nice relaxing day of reading. Treat yourself with a day, where read as much as you want to with a lovely cup of tea or coffee to go with it. You've earned it!

So that's it! That's my ways of making sure I get time to read every single day. I hope you find it helpful and get lots of reading done!

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Anna W. Christensen

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